Splash Page Branding Opportunities

Wireless Buyouts are an excellent way to leverage client branding. All wireless buyout and hotspot purchases include one of our standard splash page templates.

Template ATemplate A
(without background image)
Template B Template B
(with background image)

Design Template

  • Provide desired logo, text, and colors with the option to include a background image.
  • Each template is fully responsive and mobile-friendly.
  • Password protection is optional.
  • Custom text on the “Connect” button for a more unique experience.
Template CLogo image
should be 1000 pixels wide
Template D Background image
should be a minimum of 1200 pixels wide

Art Specs

  • Logos should be provided in:
    • JPG
    • PNG
    • Vector format
  • Image files should be 1000 pixels on the largest edge, and not exceed 1MB per file.
  • Background image should be 1200x980 pixels to ensure the best quality.
  • Logo and background images should be provided as separate image files.
  • Background images scale based on device screen size and imagery may be cropped.